
Where Should Your Thermostat Be Installed?

Getting an accurate thermostat reading is crucial to ensuring consistent indoor comfort levels. That’s why proper thermostat placement should always be considered. Local heating and air conditioning repair contractor Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating explains this matters, and what can happen if proper thermostat placement isn’t observed.

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Signs Your HVAC Has an Airflow Problem

A well-functioning HVAC system is crucial for maintaining comfortable temperatures. However, even the best heating and air conditioning systems can experience issues, particularly with airflow. When the airflow is compromised, it can affect your comfort, no matter the season. Identifying the signs of an airflow issue early can save you from extensive and costly repairs. Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating highlights some of them in this article.

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Your HVAC Maintenance Resolutions for 2024

As we usher in a new year, it’s time to consider how we can improve our comfort and wellness within our homes. A major component of our daily comfort is our heating and air conditioning system. To ensure it functions optimally year-round, here are some resolutions you may want to adopt for 2024.

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Why You Need to Replace Your Air Filters This Fall

Fall is in the air, North Hollywood! As the leaves begin to change and the holiday season approaches, there’s another crucial task not to be missed: air filter replacement. In this article, Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating provides an overview of why you should replace your air filters this fall.

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How to Determine What Type of HVAC You Have at Home

Ever wondered what kind of heating and cooling system you have in your home? Knowing what you’re dealing with is more than just trivia; it’s crucial to maintaining a comfortable, efficient living environment.

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How Do Dust and Dirt Harm Your HVAC?

When it comes to keeping your home comfortable, your HVAC system is your best friend. But have you ever considered what dirt and dust could be doing to this important appliance? This blog post from trusted AC maintenance services provider Reliable Air Conditioning & Heating explores the ways dust and dirt can harm your HVAC system and how you can protect it from them.

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Common HVAC Mistakes You Should Avoid in the Fall

Heating and air conditioning systems are most efficient when they’re well-maintained. Before winter arrives, you need to make sure your equipment is in good shape so you’ll stay comfortable throughout the colder months of the year. With an efficient HVAC system, you’ll enjoy a cozy home and save on energy costs.  

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Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Turn Your Heat Off Nightly

With parts of the country struggling with power at the moment, now is a great time to consider how you can save energy yourself with your own HVAC system. One solution that many people believe is effective is turning off the heat at night while you sleep. Winters in Los Angeles aren’t particularly harsh, so this solution might actually have some merit. But is it really a good idea?

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How a Clean Attic Helps Ensure HVAC Efficiency

The attic is one of the most overlooked areas of your home. It’s usually out of sight, so it’s easy to disregard it. If you haven’t gone up there in a long time, you might want to give it a thorough cleaning. In doing so, you’ll be discouraging pest infestations, reducing the risk of fire and establishing cooler, drier conditions for storage.

Reasons Why Heating Units Can Trip the Circuit Breaker

Circuit breakers protect home appliances from damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit. When they trip, they cut off voltage flow through the circuit. It’s not uncommon for this to happen occasionally, but if it happens repeatedly there might be a problem with the equipment itself. If this occurs every time you turn on your heating unit, it may be time to have it inspected by a certified technician.