Top 3 Tips to Save on Heating Bills This Season

California winters may not bring an abundance of hail and snow, but they can still cause homeowners to turn up their heaters for the season. Of course, this also prompts a spike in calls to local heating service providers as soon as homeowners discover their systems are malfunctioning after a lengthy hibernation. As you go about with your seasonal HVAC maintenance tasks, why not take the opportunity to make your home a bit more energy efficient as well?

Becoming energy efficient will take some effort on your part, but with the right amount of professional help, you too can enjoy saving money on your heating bills. Our HVAC specialists at Reliable AC & Heat have listed a few tips below to help you get started:

Patch Up Leaks

Even the most well-maintained home can still suffer from leaks now and then. Locating and fixing these areas can go a long way in maintaining a tight thermal envelope and improving your energy efficiency along the way. To take care of leaks, do a quick visual inspection of your windows and doors and re-apply caulk or sealant as needed to reduce drafts. Next, insulate your attic to help keep humidity levels under control. Finally, get your ducts inspected for leaks.

Change Filters

The filters that protect your heating and air conditioning systems need to be replaced at least once every 90 days. For homes in areas that are exposed to a lot of dust and pollution, you may need to change your filters as often as once every 30 days. Clogged filters reduce air flow within your ducts, which means your blowers have to consume twice as much power just to maintain the same temperature level. Even something as simple as cleaning or replacing your filters can bring about noticeable changes in air flow.

Conduct Energy Audits

You’ll find no shortage of quick guides on the internet on how to audit your energy usage. While these guides can be helpful, they’re by no means exhaustive. The best way to gain a clear understanding of where you stand in terms of energy efficiency is to have a professional energy audit performed on your home. This will help you identify areas for improvement as well as resolve issues you may not even know you had.

Helping Homes Become More Energy Efficient for Almost Three Decades

At Reliable AC & Heat, we can help you find energy efficient solutions that are 100% right for your heating needs. We also offer reliable indoor air quality testing to further improve the comfort of your home. Give us a call at (818) 423-4285 or fill out our contact form to schedule a service visit or a consultation appointment today.