Here, you’ll find up-to-date HVAC news, top industry tips for homeowners, and other fun & useful information. If it pertains to home improvement, energy efficiency, air quality, or home ownership in North Hollywood, we cover it here!

Why It’s Worth Investing in a Whole-Home Air Purifier

Air purifiers are one of the best ways to eliminate indoor air pollutants in your home. It’s never too late to install one, but if you’re planning to do it

Why Your Thermostat Is Not Reaching Your Desired Temperature

It could be concerning when your HVAC system is not working as expected. In some cases, there is nothing wrong with your heating and air conditioning, and your thermostat could be the

The Importance of Good HVAC in Educational Facilities

Building occupants often associate their health concerns with poor environments. Schools and other educational facilities are no exception. Incorporate effective HVAC systems into the overall design of the building to

Common Causes of Poor Airflow in Your HVAC System

HVAC systems need good airflow to ensure reliable operation. As a homeowner, this means you have to pay attention to signs that indicate poor airflow and make sure it’s promptly

HVAC Maintenance Tasks to Include on Your Summer To-Do List

As the summer heat continues to rise, the need for efficient cooling at home increases. For your air conditioning system to perform at peak performance, it is important to stay

Is Shading Your Air Conditioner Worth the Effort?

Homeowners often ask us whether their HVAC system’s condenser (the enclosure that’s placed outside the house) would benefit from being in the shade instead of exposed to direct sunlight. In

Where Are the Best Places to Put a Ductless Air Conditioner?

Ductless or mini-split air conditioners are self-contained units, which means they can provide cooling (as well as heating if it has heat pump capabilities) to virtually any room in your

Spring Maintenance Checklist for Commercial HVAC Systems

As the season becomes warmer, you need to start thinking about your property’s seasonal upkeep, beginning with HVAC maintenance. In today’s post, local heating and air conditioning company Reliable Air Conditioning &

3 Great Ways an Air Purifier Can Improve Indoor Air Quality

We’re often cautioned about the dangers of polluted outdoor air, but the air inside your home can actually be worse. Ventilating your home by opening the windows and running exhaust